From Chaos to Calm:

How To Parent with Confidence

Become the confident, calm leader your family needs you to be -

without resorting to shouting, punishments or threats.



(Sydney time)

Free online workshop with Karina Lane

For any parent ready to leave behind parenting overwhelm, frustration and stress...


  • Your emotions feel out of control some days - it's like you wake up with zero patience!

  • You resort to shouting too often for your liking and the guilt eats away at you

  • You feel like you're constantly snapping and nagging - and it's impacting everyone

  • You're sure parenting isn't meant to be a constant battle zone - so what are you doing wrong??​​

  • ​Put simply: you're not the parent you thought you'd be - and it keeps you up at night

When you're stuck in a parenting rut, it can be so hard to know the right steps and tools to get you out of it.

If you've tried to work all this out on your own and feel like you've failed, you're not alone.

Mainstream parenting advice has let a lot of parents down because it's so often outdated and fundamentally WRONG.

So if you've got a stack of parenting books... a load of articles...

...listened to countless podcasts...

...and been on a parenting course or two...

...without getting the results you really needed...

...take heart that there are many other parents out there feeling exactly the same way :(

This Isn't How

You Thought Parenting

Would Be


Join parenting coach Karina Lane in this live, intimate online workshop.

In just 2 hours, you'll learn how to:

Stay in control

Confidently deal with family drama without losing your temper or resorting to threats. Embody the sturdy leader your family needs you to be - even in the toughest of scenarios.

Get your child to listen

Discover how to get your child to listen and cooperate - without the drawn-out battles and crazy-making arguments. Enjoy a stronger, more engaged relationship with your child.

Build your toolkit

Discover a new set of strategies that not only resolve behavioural challenges and meltdowns but teach your child valuable life lessons at the same time.

Are you ready to feel more CONFIDENT and in control as a leader in your home - without having to resort to shouting, bribes or threats?

Imagine feeling so self-assured and certain about your parenting that you went to bed at night feeling GREAT about the day you just had...

...instead of feeling guilty or remorseful because you lost your temper.

How amazing would it feel to KNOW that your family home was filled with calm, love and joy...

...and that you were creating a safe HAVEN for your kids to ALWAYS come back to, no matter how old they are?

Family harmony does NOT have to be a distant fantasy for your household.

It's time to embark on an exciting journey and DISCOVER THE SECRETS that can transform you into a calm, confident and connected parent.

Meet your facilitator...

Hi, I'm Karina...

I'm a parenting coach, educator, author and mum of four - yes, I'm in the trenches with you!

With 25 years experience in psychology and welfare, I've pulled together my best resources to create a powerful workshop that will change your parenting game.

As an accredited facilitator of Circle of Security, Tuning Into Kids, Tuning Into Teens and early parenting, I have all the tools you need to become the calm, confident parent you really want to be.

Discover the easier, more effective parenting path that leads to more happiness and inner peace.

That way, even on your toughest days, you'll always find your way back to CALM CONNECTION - and your kids will thank you for it.

With a parenting approach you can rely on, confidence about your techniques and a strong, loving connection with your child, family harmony no longer needs to be a distant dream for you.

From the best selling book,

Chilled Out Mum by Karina Lane

Discover the easier, proven techniques for bringing calm and harmony back to your household.

Here's what you'll learn how to do in this 2-hour workshop:


The Chaos To Calm workshop is a transformational, intensive workshop for mastering the art of confident, connected parenting.

This is for parents and caregivers who want to expand their skillset...

...and who are committed to stepping up to meet their child's ever complex and challenging needs.

Discover the step-by-step process for sky-rocketing your parenting confidence and skills, with actionable tasks you can implement immediately to start creating positive changes for your family.

This workshop is for you if:

  • You're sick of resorting to shouting or losing your temper to get through to the kids - you used to be so chill!

  • You feel out of your depth when it comes to discipline - nothing seems to work!

  • Meltdowns and big feelings make you want to run for the feel stuck for words and overwhelmed.

  • You've tried everything - deep breathing, strict parenting, reward charts - you need something new.

  • You're DONE with feeling guilty and worried about your parenting. You're ready to step into powerful, confident parenting that you can feel GREAT about.

If you've been searching for a proven method to parent your children with love, warmth and firm boundaries...

...and want to skip the fluff and conflicting information that's out there, then this is absolutely a MUST ATTEND EVENT!

And the best part is that it's 100% absolutely free!

It doesn't matter if you're a parent of a toddler, preschooler, tween or teen, this event will give you a framework for powerful parenting that mainstream advice skips over.

Grounded in research, and backed by experts all over the world, the concepts in this workshop will give you knowledge, tools and techniques that most parents will never come across.

Unlike most parenting webinars and seminars that leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed and unsure...

...this workshop is all about providing you with real "take-home" information you can use to deepen your relationship with your child, guide behaviour, regulate your emotions and support big feelings in your kids.

The end result?

  • You'll think and act differently to parents around you.

  • You'll feel confident in your abilities to handle any parenting drama.

  • You'll feel reassured and certain about your parenting style.

  • Your bond with your child will be deep and long-lasting.

  • You'll know that you're giving your child everything they need to succeed in the world.

But perhaps the most powerful aspect of this event is that you'll be surrounded by like-minded parents who are experiencing the same struggles as you are.

You are NOT alone and together we can kickstart your change journey.

But remember…

This is a TRANSFORMATIONAL workshop…not just an informational seminar. It's your chance to take action and create important changes.

So, are you ready to step into the amazing calm, confident and connected parent you want to be for your family?

Here's what parents are saying:

'Karina is genuine and has such passion to support parents. I've been inspired to take action and I’m already seeing positive changes. To any parent having a hard time figuring out how to make life more peaceful and calm - this workshop puts together a lot of the pieces parents are fumbling with.'


'Karina's expertise of the topic, your delivery of information, your understanding re the difficulties we have in motherhood, your nonjudgmental views, all excellent. You are open when listening and responsive in your advice. I felt listened to and supported.'


'My parenting methods have changed so much since I signed up to your workshop. My household is already becoming a much calmer and enjoyable environment to be in and I'm so grateful for the coping methods I have learned through your method. You are absolutely amazing'



From Chaos to Calm:

How To Parent with Confidence

Limited Spots Available!


11:00 AM - 1.00 PM SYDNEY TIME


7:00 PM - 9.00 PM SYDNEY TIME


What ages does this workshop target?

This workshop is for parents with kids of any age - whether you have a toddler, preschooler, tween or teen! The concepts refer to a parenting approach that will give you more clarity and confidence, rather than 'how to parent' a specific age.

Will I be able to ask questions during the workshop?

Yes! This workshop will be facilitated in a relaxed and down-to-earth format, with plenty of opportunities for questions and sharing your story. The idea is for you to get MAXIMUM value from this experience, so you can walk away ready to start making changes.

Will there be a recording to watch if I can't make it?

No, this event will NOT be recorded.

Can my partner come along too?

Yes, absolutely, your ticket covers any other carers in your family who want to come along :)

As seen in:

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