Become The Calm, Confident & Connected Parent You Want To Be.

Follow a proven roadmap to take your parenting from overwhelmed to empowered in 90 days.


The Chaos To Calm

Parenting Formula

Follow the proven, straight-forward roadmap for becoming a calm, confident and connected parent.

No fluff, no overwhelm, designed for busy parents that need BIG results (yesterday).

Dear Overwhelmed Parent:

I know parenting is hard right now.

You have so much on your plate: work, household admin, your relationships, your personal life...trying to keep up with your kids and their growing, complex needs is tougher than you ever imagined.

Life is full and chaotic.

You're emotionally drained, maybe even burnt out, and desperately want to feel calm, in control and confident about your parenting.

It feels like you're failing at motherhood some days.

You've tried to follow mainstream parenting advice but felt like a failure when it didn't fit your family.

You're worried about the future, about how your kids will turn out if you don't get this right.

You're starting to wonder: 'Is this what parenthood is supposed to feel like? Stressful and chaotic? Do I just deal with it?'


You don't have to 'tough it out' and parenting doesn't have to be this hard.

And if you don't do anything about it?

Things WILL get worse.

See, when you're struggling and overwhelmed, it's impossible to be present and available for your children's needs.

When children don't get their needs met, they feel disconnected.

Attachment becomes frayed.

When attachment is weakened, children use challenging behaviour such as not listening, defiance and meltdowns.

It creates a cycle of frustration and guilt.

Let Me Know If This Sounds Familiar...

  • The kids don't listen - it's like you have no control and you're not respected!

  • You resort to shouting too often - but it's the only way you can get heard some days! 

  • You struggle with toxic guilt, second-guessing and self-doubt that leaves you feeling like a failure.  

  • The situation is impacting everything - the tension is palpable and even your relationship is struggling.

  • You're not the parent you thought you'd be - and it keeps you up at night.

You had this vision of the type of parent you'd be for your kids: patient, calm, present, attentive.

But right now, every day is chaos. It's like you're stuck in a never-ending hamster wheel of stress, frustration and guilt, going nowhere.

Every morning starts with hope and a resolve to be better.

But without the tools and guidance, nothing changes. You're stuck and don't know what to do.


You know things need to change...​

You're sick of resorting to shouting or losing your temper to get through to the kids - you used to be so chill!

You don't like this version of yourself and you know it's not good for the kids.

You're at a loss for how to manage Big Emotions & Big Behaviour in your house. It feels like the kids run rings around you some days.

You know you need to do more but don't have the know-how and guidance.

You've tried everything - time out, reward charts, consequences - nothing seems to work! You're at your wits' end!

You're sick of feeling your way in the dark - you need tools you can rely on!


  • You've tried getting stricter and using stronger punishments (ends in tears from everyone, including you!)
  • ​You've spent hours coming up with reward systems and star charts (the novelty lasts about 3 days...)
  • You've made promise after promise to yourself that you'd not lose your temper all day (broken by breakfast)
  • You've read books, attended webinars and googled endlessly for answers (only to feel even more confused)
  • ​You've asked friends for advice and they just shrug their shoulders (it seems like everyone else knows what they're doing!)

When you're stuck in a rut, it can feel impossible to break free.

What steps should you follow? In what order? What approach will give you long-lasting change?

It can feel so overwhelming that you end up doing nothing. So you just resign yourself to getting through each day of parenting, putting on a brave face and keeping your struggles a secret.

But behind closed doors?

I know what you're going through.

You worry endlessly that you're failing your kids.

You search and search for the parenting advice that will solve your problems, but that just leads to information overload.

You lie awake at night beating yourself up with toxic guilt for shouting, losing your temper and being grumpy with your family.

You start the day with anxiety, dreading yet another day of chaos with the kids.

You feel hopeless and lost.

It may feel like there's no way out but there IS a

solution and it's EASIER than you think.

That solution?

A proven roadmap. A tried and tested, step-by-step formula that will take you from overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed out... confident, calm and EMPOWERED.

No information-overload, no overwhelm, no fluff. You need something that delivers just what you need to make changes and nothing more.

You Need The Roadmap

To make really big parenting changes that last the distance, there's a roadmap to follow. 

A step-by-step formula to follow that gives you all the tools you need to get to your parenting goals.

You wouldn't explore the desert without a map. You wouldn't embark on a new adventure without a game plan.

If you've tried to work all this out on your own and felt lost and unsure, this is why.

Mainstream parenting advice has let a lot of mums down because it lacks support and implementation to actually get it working. 

So if you've got the stack of parenting books...

...been to countless webinars...

...and listened to podcasts galore...

...and feel like you should KNOW what you're doing...

Take heart that there are many, many other mums out there feeling exactly the same way. 

It's not your fault that you're lost or stuck.

You just haven't had the roadmap to get you to your destination.

The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula

A proven, step-by-step roadmap for calm,

confident parenting:

The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula gives you the exact steps for becoming a confident, calm and connected parent - and creating the family harmony you've been wishing for.

It's like following the yellow brick road, heading for Emerald City. Without the scary trees, poisonous poppies and evil witch to get past.

In fact, The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula has been deliberately designed to give you the easiest, fastest route to parenting confidence, peace and joy.

I've spent years fine-tuning this system and using it for myself, and the parent clients I work with.

You won't find a simpler, yet more powerful approach that will transform your parenting experience.

It's not as hard as you think, it won't take that long and YES, you can absolutely do this.

What Is The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula?

Everything you need for a smooth and efficient transformation journey:


Step-by-step formula outlining exactly what you need to reach your goals!


Streamlined, drip-fed

learning. Zero overwhelm!


All the tools and strategies

you need, including cheat sheets and printables.


Private members community to connect with other parents and ask questions.


Laser-focussed 1-1 guidance to help you reach your personal goals.


Weekly recorded coaching calls + Voxer messaging for anytime support.

Hand-holding guidance and accountability for

busy parents who need results fast!

The Results? Life-changing.

This roadmap will take your parenting to another level.

You'll feel more confident as a parent and enjoy more happy moments with your family.

You'll think and talk differently as a self-aware, evolved parent. Other parents will look at you in envy, wondering how you do it.

You'll feel reassured about your parenting and KNOW that you're giving your children the best of you.

In just 90 days you'll:

  • Control your temper and say goodbye to shouting for good (and the guilt that comes with it!)

  • Confidently support your child's strongest emotions (never feel stuck or lost for words again)  

  • Manage challenging behaviour using world-class tools that REALLY work

  • Build a magical, lifelong bond with your child they can always rely on (even when they're a teen)

  • ​Become the calm, confident mum your family needs you to be  

But the best thing of all?

No more WORRY or angst about your parenting.

Without all the guilt and self-criticism, you'll feel lighter and happier than ever before.

And THAT is something your kids will thank you for - because when you're AT your best, you can GIVE your best.


Imagine How It Would Feel To...

Be in complete control of your mood and handle challenges with ease - every time (no more Dragon Lady!). 

Become the 'I've got this' parent so you kids always know they can rely on you.


Have a solid parenting approach and a toolkit of proven strategies that really work. 

No more stress about what tools to use when and no more winging it!

Enjoy renewed energy and zest for parenting. Wake up feeling great about the day ahead - not dread!

When you feel great, parenting becomes easier and more manageable.  


Hey there, I'm Karina.

Coach, educator, author, mum of four and creator of The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula. 

I’m so excited you’re here! I’ve met hundreds of stressed-out parents struggling with meltdowns, challenging behaviour and their own overwhelming emotions.

I'm obsessed with helping parents repair this for themselves AND their family.

With 25+ years of experience in psychology, welfare, and education, I’ve pulled together my best resources to create The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula. 

Let me walk you through the proven roadmap that will overhaul your parenting world and lead you to more happiness, confidence and of course, CALM.

I can't wait to see you inside!

This time with your kids is priceless.

Stop letting stress and guilt rob you of precious moments with them.


The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula

Follow my step-by-step roadmap to become a calm, confident, connected parent and leave behind the shouting, frustration & guilt.

 Create the household harmony you dream of and make happy memories with your family.  

WHEN YOU JOIN THE CHAOS TO CALM PARENTING FORMULA... get access to everything you need to expand your skillset, fill your parenting toolkit and create the harmonious household you dream just 90 days:


Your transformation journey mapped out for you in a streamlined, step-by-step format with each bite-sized lesson under 10 minutes.


Everything you need to implement the steps and get results fast! World class tools at your fingertips - no more googling! Access 24/7 from any device.


Hybrid support system including 1-1 strategy sessions, coaching calls (recorded for anytime access), Voxer messaging support and private members' community.

All the ways to get the help you need

You're a busy parent with your own personal circumstances and learning style - so this is not a one-size-fits-all type of support.

Access guidance and support in the way that suits YOU best:


24/7 access to the roadmap, lessons and resources. Access on any device.


Private group for you to connect with other parents and ask questions.


Private 1-1 sessions with Karina to personalise your journey


Weekly Q&A coaching calls that are recorded for later watching.


Voxer voice messaging support for on-the-go guidance.

In just 90 days you'll:

  • Gain control of your emotions and responses so you never have to resort to shouting or losing your cool again

  • Strengthen the bond between you and your child so they always come to you with their problems - even as a teen

  • ​Use world-class tools to guide challenging behaviour (forget time outs and techniques that do more harm than good)

  • Know exactly what to say and do (and what to avoid) when supporting your child's big feelings

  • Discover the secrets to long-term family harmony so you can give your children a loving, happy home.

Use my fool-proof Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula To Take You From

Stressed, Overwhelmed & Frustrated...

...To Calm, Confident & In Control


The Results Speak For Themselves...


'Before the program, I felt snappy and felt like I was constantly raising my voice to get the children’s attention. I knew it wasn’t getting me anywhere and wanted a calmer, more effective approach to parenting.

Now I feel equipped to tackle emotional and behavioural challenges. I have frameworks and tools which allow me to think quicker on my feet. It’s helped me to build a stronger connection with my children

This program helps you understand your authentic self so that you can bring a positive mindset to parenting.' 



'After working with Karina, I felt more empowered. I felt like I had the knowledge to run a smooth household without feeling overwhelmed. 

I was worried how I’d fit the program in because life is so full, but Karina is so effective in giving very succinct and short information that’s key to making changes.

If you’re considering working with Karina you WON'T be disappointed at all. She’s a great listener and has a wonderful, supportive voice. She just seems to be able to hone in on key aspects to work on.



'I highly recommend working with Karina, she’s very understanding, compassionate and non-judgmental. Her teachings are just really a breath of fresh air. My main issues were with communication and trying to understand the development where my daughter was at, and we were fighting a lot and there was a lot of yelling.

But after going through Karina’s teachings, we’re now communicating a lot better. I’m seeing things more from my daughter’s point of view and understanding what development stage she’s at, which really has helped me see things more clearly and give me some headspace as well. Karina’s program is fantastic and I can highly, highly recommend it.'



'Working through Karina's excellent parenting program has really resulted in a much-needed and significant reset for myself and my 3 kids. I embarked on this journey as a single mother with 3 school-aged kids (primary and secondary) looking for support to manage big behaviours following the separation of their father and myself a few years ago.

Working with Karina has really helped me to become far more consistent and confident with my parenting skills, especially when dealing with big behaviours but also with smaller things. A focus on emotion coaching has lead to us all getting a boost in our emotional intelligence and finally enjoying a happier and more harmonious day-to-day family life! Thanks so much Karina!'



'Karina is an amazing parenting coach. She has a calm and beautiful energy and really cares about each of her students, wanting them to be the best parents they can be. She is there for you every week with her incredible wisdom, encouraging you and helping you to apply everything you are learning. You come away from each coaching call with the confidence to handle all the situations that parenting throws at you.

The first thing that I noticed about Karina's course was how easy it was to follow. I have done other parenting courses in the past and, while it was all great information, I was always finding myself at a loss as to what to do or say in any given situation with my child. I couldn't remember the things that I had learnt.

Karina's course clearly and succinctly pinpoints what is needed in all our parenting problems. You come away with scripts to use that can be easily applied and adapted to all situations. The parenting tools are straight forward and each lesson you learn is so easy to remember and put into practice!

I've gained so much parenting insight but the biggest change for me has been the connection I have with my daughter. Our relationship has grown and strengthened and we are so much closer now. I am more confident, patient and relaxed in my parenting and I have learnt how important my own well-being is in being able to be a good Mum as well as to live a more fulfilling life.

I highly recommend Karina's parenting course to all parents out there. It will be the best parenting decision you will have ever made!"



'Working with Karina has changed me and my relationship with my daughter in immeasurably positive ways. The book outlined the kind of Mum I wanted to be but taking that next step really affected the change I was looking for. 

I went from being an authoritarian parent and a shouting Mum to being a cool headed, responsive, diplomatic and confident leader. On the odd occasion when I lose it now, I take myself by surprise and immediately apologise. It’s just not me anymore. 

My daughter has gone from being needy, whiney and unaffectionate to seeking out my touch, affirming her love for me constantly and she’s really just a joy to have around. 

Somehow, I have managed to embody this work. I’ve absorbed the lessons rather than having to reach for information I have learned and try to apply it at any given moment. This really is a worthwhile investment.'



'In January 2022, I really hit rock bottom as a parent. I felt my kids were out of control, disrespectful and inconsiderate. I was in tears most days as I didn't know how to make it all better.

Working with Karina was very comfortable. She didn't judge us, she was empathetic, listened and coached us through the different scenarios that we were faced with during the week. Karina introduced us to different tools and techniques and provided feedback if we didn't handle a situation well. She really put us back on the right path.

 Having the opportunity to talk to someone and get advice was invaluable.

The biggest change for me has been my connection with my kids. My 12 year old son commented that he noticed a difference in how I parent. He said that I don't yell anywhere near as much as I used to (I am still learning!). The way I speak to them and how I listen has made our daily lives so much better. He said this all on this own without any prompting. It was the most amazing confidence booster and encouragement to keep growing and implementing the tools and techniques I have learnt from Karina.

My advice to other parents thinking about working with Karina is to go for it!

We have attended other parenting courses and read a number of parenting books, but talking to someone while learning new parenting tools is life changing!

I am thankful to my husband for agreeing to do this program without checking with me first. If we ended that first call with Karina without a commitment we wouldn't have signed up due to the cost concern. That would have been a mistake.

We wouldn't be in the position we are today, where we have a collection of tools and techniques to be able to confidently parent everyday and be closer to our kids than we have ever been before. Thank you Karina.'



'This program is excellent. Karina provides all the information and tools needed to respond to chaos at home and parenting struggles. I feel like I now have the confidence and ability to understand my own emotional triggers and can respond to my 5 year old's big feelings and needs.

My connection with my son has really improved and as a result, he's much happier and on the path to emotional regulation.

I've become a much calmer, less reactive parent than before. Karina is really understanding and supportive and I highly recommend her and this program.



'Working with Karina was exactly what I needed to become the calm, confident mum I always hoped to be, but was far from being!

The online program is very easy to use, and the coaching calls provided guidance specific to our situation which was really helpful.

Karina is very knowledgeable, compassionate, and kind. I'm so thankful for the huge improvement it's made in our lives! Highly recommend this program.




Here's your roadmap breakdown...


Map Out Your Personal Goals

  • Identify your limitations and highlight your strengths

  • Repair frayed attachment and strengthen your parent-child relationship

  • Learn your child’s secret language and what they need from you 

  • ​The big mistakes most parents make when it comes to behaviour

Walk Away With: Renewed calm, repaired attachment and a clear, concise action plan.


Become A Parenting Leader

  • The secret power you don’t know you have (and how this can make every day a win)

  • Identify your parenting triggers and gain control over them

  • ​Step into confident, sturdy parenting leadership

  • Become your child's compass point - so they always know they can come to you

Walk Away With: A robust mindset, dramatically reduced stress and mastery over your triggers


Unlock Connection Magic

  • How to spot your child's cues for connection (that have been hidden in plain sight)

  • How to set up your connection bank account so you have 'currency' when you need it

  • Your child’s emotional world – how to know what they’re struggling with and the best way to help

  • Become your child's Emotion Coach (the best tool for connection there is)

Walk Away With: Deeper connection, enhanced emotional intelligence and Emotion Coaching skills 


Become Zen At Discipline

  • The first step in easier discipline (miss this bit and you’re working too hard)

  • Putting The Magic Formula to work (most parents skip steps 1 & 2)

  • Discover the 7 discipline commandments (aka your new reliable framework)

  • ​How a simple tweak in language can create amazing discipline results

Walk Away With: Discipline confidence, a toolkit that works and freedom from Big Behaviour Stress 


Discover unstoppable energy

  • The easy self-care system that puts YOU back on the map and sky-rockets your energy

  • How to be chilled every day – so that even the big stuff no longer fazes you

  • How to get started on your bigger goals (yes, you CAN make yourself happy too!)

  • ​Three actions that will literally change your life

Walk Away With: More zest and energy for life, excitement about your future dreams and ambitions


Move forward with harmony

  • ​Master talking and listening in your house (so everyone feels heard)
  • Set no BS boundaries that protect your precious emotional energy
  • Deal with daily drama & conflict (the no-stress way!)
  • ​The lovely daily ritual that will keep you all on the best path

Walk Away With:  A happy, harmonious household that's closer and more loving than ever before


Here's What You Get When You Join

The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula...

The Chaos To Calm Formula Roadmap - $1497

Weekly Q & A with Karina - $997

3 x 1-1 Checkpoint Calls with Karina - $697

Voxer Voice Messaging Support - $497

Online resource library - $297

Monthly masterclasses and tools - $297

Private members' community - Priceless

TOTAL VALUE: $4282++

Join The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula Today For $2497


Get these game-changing bonuses:

Personalised Action Plan Session With Karina

Get a tailored plan that takes into account your unique circumstances and goals. Perfect for getting off to the best possible start!

3 Months Extra Access To Coaching & Resources

Enjoy three extra months of coaching and access to resources. Take your time to work through the program without feeling pressured.

Love Languages For Children Masterclass

Discover what your child's unique love language is and the dramatic change in their behaviour when you harness this concept.

Join a movement of mums who want a better

parenting experience - for themselves AND their family













Want to know more about how The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula will help your family?

Book your free, no-obligation call with Karina to discuss your situation and find out more.

Discover what's possible for you.

The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula is for you if:

With coaching strategies & parenting techniques grounded in research, you can rely on them to work AND serve you for decades of parenting. 


100% Risk Free

I’m super confident that The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula will make family life better for you…

...and I want YOU to feel super confident in your decision. 

So I’m offering you 100% security and protection in knowing your investment is going to help you enjoy parenting with less stress. 

If you jump in and don't love what you see, simply ask for a refund within 7 days. 

I want this to be a smart and safe choice for you.  


Good, because there's something 

I need to tell you.

If you're like a lot of other parents, you might be thinking that it's too hard to change.

It's too expensive. There's not enough time. What if it doesn't work?

Truth time: change IS hard.

We're wired to stick with the familiar, even if it's no good for us. Our brains want to protect us from taking any risks.

But here's the thing.

Yes, change can be scary.

But you know what's even scarier?


Still struggling, exhausted and burnt out.

What problems will this bring to you and your family? The impact on your health, sanity and your relationship with your children?

Change doesn't happen without effort.

Yes there is always an element of risk. The work involved might be hard, costly, time-consuming.

But weigh that up against staying the same and things becoming even worse 12 months from now.

I've created The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula to remove as much of the hard work and overwhelm as possible.

I've laid out all the steps, provided all the resources, and am there to support you, from beginning to end.

Getting started though? That's down to you.

Are you ready?


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How old do my kids need to be?

A: The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula is designed for parents with children aged 2-16yrs.

Q: I want my partner to be involved. Is this just for mums?

A: I love working with dads and welcome couples to join the coaching calls so we can work through the concepts together. Many fathers have been amazed at what they’ve uncovered while going through the roadmap we use – and of course this benefits their kids in a BIG way.  

Q: I'm a single parent. Will this help me?
A: Absolutely! With the training to help you become a calm, confident mum and the support available from our amazing community, we'll become like an extended family for you :) 

Q: Will I be coached by Karina on the calls?
A: Yes! Karina takes the weekly coaching calls so you can access her support and guidance every week. She also takes the private calls and provides Voxer support.

Q: How much time is required to participate?
A: We know how demanding family life can be, so we've designed the program lessons to be short and straight to the point. No fluff and no long boring videos! In fact, 7-10 minutes each day is all that’s required to digest the material – in the time it takes to make a cup of tea, you can change your parenting world for the better, each and every day.

Q: I work full-time and can't attend the calls. Are they recorded?
A: Yes! You don't need to attend the calls unless you have questions or need coaching from Karina. If you can't attend a call, you can submit your question ahead of time via email and Karina will answer it on the call for you. All calls are recorded so you can watch the replay when you're free :)

Q: What other forms of support are available?

The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula includes 1-1 support throughout the 90 days, as well as Voxer voice messaging. Voxer is a 'walkie-talkie' voice messaging app that allows for private conversations where you can seek support from Karina at a time that suits you. Simply send a voice message and receive a response from Karina within 24-hrs (weekdays only).

Q: My kids are neurodiverse. Will this help me?

A: Yes. The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula will help you become a calmer, more confident version of yourself so you can be the responsive parent your children need. The parenting strategies will show you how to connect on a deeper level, help your child with their strongest feelings and improve family communication. Your family unit will become more peaceful, harmonious and closer as a result. 

Q: What if I fall behind in the program?

A: We know life gets busy and likes to throw curve balls that steal your time and attention. Rest assured we are here to support you. If something comes up and you fall behind, simply reach out and we'll let you know how to get back on track, as well as options for extending your access.

Q: How much does it cost to join The Chaos To Calm Parenting

A: Right now you can access The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula for just $2497 AUD, 3 monthly payments of $880 AUD or 6 monthly payments of $470 AUD.

Q: Can I join at a later date?
A: Yes, but the price may increase.

Q: How do I join The Chaos To Calm Parenting Formula?

A:  It's easy! Just click the pink button below to be taken to the order page. Once you submit your details you'll receive your welcome email and program logins so you can get started right away. Let's do this!

If you have questions before signing up, you can book a 15 minute call with Karina by clicking here:

No questions, I'm 

ready for this!

Karina Lane | Copyright ©2024 | All Rights Reserved